Today in Massachusetts, we celebrate Patriots Day, and also the Boston Marathon. The people we know as the original American patriots had a dream of new country, a new way of governing, and they had to confront their fears in order to realize that dream. Certainly people who run the marathon also face their fears in hopes of realizing a dream.
Last week, in my evening meditation on Insight Timer, this was the quote of the day:
Since I usually sing a short song as my focus during this meditation time, a tune using these words came to me, and I’m going to share that with you in a moment.
But today, I also want to celebrate several people who are confronting their fears and working to realize dreams. They deserve celebrations and also prayers.
My friend Jeremy is donating a kidney this week. He started the process because a friend is in need of a kidney, but he decided to donate no matter what, in hopes that somehow in the process of donations and matches that his friend would get a kidney. The cool thing is, he and his friend turned out to be a match. I celebrate his dream for his friend’s quality of life, his bravery, and generosity, and pray for skillful medical personnel and speedy healing for both of them.
My friend Sandra just did a retreat this weekend as a part of kicking off a new coaching/retreat facilitation career. I celebrate her dreams, bravery and tenacity, and pray that people recognize and value her gifts.
My daughter Tori has successfully managed another housing search and is moving back to the Boston area June 1. She’s also applying to an MSW program, and planning a couple of trips to confront her past in the coming year. I celebrate her dreams, bravery, persistence and willingness to confront the things in her past that haunt her, and pray that her dreams will be realized as she faces her fears.
I celebrate that this Saturday, I’m kicking off the first event of a ministry that I hope will meet people where they are, and provides options for spiritual nurture and connection outside of Sunday mornings for the many who work on Sunday mornings. I pray that people will join us on Sat., April 20, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. at the Alewife Brook Reservation, Cambridge, MA. Meet us by the DCR parking lot at 2-8 Acorn Park Drive, Cambridge, MA. Please register at this link: so that we can contact you if we need to cancel, and to let you know about upcoming walks. Rain date is April 27. Get more info.
Song: Don’t Be Pushed Around by Nancy Willbanks
Reflection Questions
How and when do your fears push you around? How do you push past those fears to realize your dreams? Who has inspired you by the way they don’t let their fears get in the way of their dreams?
I am writing longer reflections that come out on Fridays that go out only via email, and this last Friday, I reflected on breaking, sharing, recognizing, seeing, listening and walking, ie. the journey to Emmaus. You can read it here. If you’re not already on my MailChimp list, you can subscribe here:
Thank you for covering this past weekend (4/11/24 - 4/14/24) in prayers. The retreat was so filled with Godly moments. My heart is full after having been with 15 young adults and 4 adult mentors Christ followers ready to serve with open hearts. I am so grateful that friends and strangers surrounded me in prayers. I served from the overflow and it is so, so GOOD!! Thank you
I shared this song in Music That Makes Community’s Monday Morning Grounding..
In Monday Morning Grounding I also shared a poem “Fears and Dreams”
We also had a lot of fun thinking of other things to fill in the blanks after “don’t be pushed around by”…
The poem actually lent itself well to the melody of the song. Synchronicity.